North Star Ranch, Hesperia, CA
North Star Ranch is a neighborhood in Hesperia, California. The overall population census of the area is included in that of Hesperia, although the individual demographic of North Star Ranch has been determined. Residents of North Star Ranch have an average age of 32 years old, with 55% of the population being female. 78% of local residents have a high school diploma, with 10% having a college degree. Average household earnings are slightly above $50ooo, with 27% of locals living in poverty. . The majority of people are involved in the education, real estate, or construction sectors for employment, having an economical market state. There are many homes available for sale in the North Star Ranch, Hesperia community, encouraging employment in this sector. There are few large trees in the area, with no superior canopy. Temperature highs are near 76°F, while lows are approach 48°F; the average temperature for the area is 62° with seasonal variations. There are more days of sunshine in the area compared to the national average, with 3.3 inches of rainfall and 0.72 feet of snowfall possible throughout the year. The overall climate is semi-dry, with precipitation levels inhibiting standing bodies of water yet preventing desert-like conditions. The North Star Ranch area is at risk of earthquakes registering as greater than 5 on the Richter Scale, with 6 earthquakes of this magnitude occurring over the past 20 years. The health of the environment is generally good, with moderate air quality. The neighborhood rests about 3400 feet above sea level and is in the Pacific Time Zone similar to other areas in Hesperia
The area of North Star Ranch supports two public schools for kindergarten to grade 6. Topaz Preparatory Academy and Maple Elementary School are the two schools found in this neighborhood, having between 700 and 850 students commonly enrolled. Topaz Preparatory Academy encourages leadership, character, and serving the local community; at this school, staff strive to motive the potential in all students at an individual level. Those seeking further education or a private school experience seek schools outside of North Star Ranch. Hesperia Community Park is situated within the neighborhood on Datura Rd. and adjoins Datura Park, spanning nearly 26 acres. The community park offers a total of eight softball and baseball fields for visitor enjoyment; the fields can be rented out for separate events. Leashed and licensed dogs are allowed to visit the site, and picnic areas are available. |